
Compression Test

This selection of pages was an experiment. I compressed all of the training code and fed that into the AI instead of what I normally do. I hoped that this would allow the AI to generate longer webpages. There was not enough data for it to always generate good websites, so some of these pages are super basic.

BobberFeburary 6, 2021
Dots and BoxesFeburary 6, 2021
FiddlingFeburary 6, 2021
Hello WorldFeburary 6, 2021
The Crooked, Yet Fabulous OnionFeburary 6, 2021
The effects of social mediaFeburary 6, 2021
The web site of gregorynburgscityFeburary 6, 2021
The web site of mason.netFeburary 6, 2021
The web site of shiibehFeburary 6, 2021
You and yours